Music Sheet and Sound Recordings
Glory be…
Now and forever…
Glory be…now and forever…
Resurrection Troparion in Tone 4
Troparion When the disciples of the Lord learned from the angel the glorious news of the resurrection and cast off the ancestral condemnation, they proudly told the apostles: “Death has been plundered! Christ our God is risen, granting to the world great mercy.”
Kontakion My Savior and Deliverer from the grave as God has raised out of bondage the children of earth and shattered the gates of Hades; and as Master, He rose on the third day.
Theotokion By your birth, O Immaculate One, Joachim and Anna were freed from the reproach of childlessness, and Adam and Eve from the corruption of death. And your people, redeemed from the guilt of their sins, celebrate as they cry out to you: “The barren one gives birth to the Mother of God and nourisher of our Life.”
Prokeimenon How great are Your works, O Lord; You have made all things in wisdom.
Verse: Bless the Lord, O my soul; O Lord my God, You are exceedingly great. (Ps. 104:24,1)
Alleluia: Poise yourself and advance in triumph and reign in the cause of truth, and meekness, and justice.
Verse: You have loved justice and hated iniquity. (Ps. 45:5, 8) Alleluia. (3)
Communion Verse: Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest. (Ps. 148:1) Alleluia (3)